A Day in Cholon

Every city worth its salt has a Chinatown, but the award for World's Largest Chinatown (at least in terms of area) goes to Cholon in Ho Chi Minh City. This district was actually its own city for a long time, until eventually being swallowed up by its bigger neighbor to the east. We spent a day navigating its busy streets and visiting its markets.

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A Concise History of Saigon

For whatever reason, I had always assumed that the history of Saigon stretched back to the dawn of humanity. "The Ancient City of Saigon" does have a nice ring to it, but it's not true. In fact, for most of its history, Saigon was an unimportant Cambodian fishing village. (Maybe I was mixing it up with legendary Shangri-La?) But despite its late debut as a major Southeast Asian city, Saigon has seen plenty of action. Here's a concise rundown of its history.

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