The King’s Palace (Dinh I)

Dalat has three palaces, or "Dinh". The Dinh III is the summer palace of Bao Dai, which we had visited earlier in the day. The Dinh II is the Governor's Mansion, closed to the public. And then there's the Dinh I, the "King's Palace", built in 1940 by French millionaire Robert Clement, and purchased by Bao Dai in 1949.

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A Concise History of Saigon

For whatever reason, I had always assumed that the history of Saigon stretched back to the dawn of humanity. "The Ancient City of Saigon" does have a nice ring to it, but it's not true. In fact, for most of its history, Saigon was an unimportant Cambodian fishing village. (Maybe I was mixing it up with legendary Shangri-La?) But despite its late debut as a major Southeast Asian city, Saigon has seen plenty of action. Here's a concise rundown of its history.

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